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AFNI (acronym for Analysis of Functional NeuroImages ) is a software collection for the display, processing and evaluation of functional magnetic resonance imaging data. AFNI is free software (under GPL version 2 ) written in C. The collection also includes Python scripts and plugins. AFNI runs on Unix-like operating systems and uses its own data format (.HEAD and .BRIK), but can also handle many other data formats ( DICOM , Analyze, NIfTI , Siemens .ima etc.). Development began in 1994 by Robert Cox and his colleagues at Medical College in Wisconsin . Today the development is based at the National Institute of Mental Health .

AFNI offers an interface to R , which is used for statistical evaluations. One of the strengths of AFNI is the visualization of the data, e.g. B. using SUMA . AFNI is one of the most frequently used software packages in neuroscience after FSL and SPM .

See also

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Russell A. Poldrack, Jeanette A. Mumford, Thomas E. Nichols: Handbook of Functional MRI Data Analysis , Cambridge University Press 2011, ISBN 978-0521517669 : “Its primary strength is in its very powerful and flexible visualization abilities, including the ability to integrate visualization of volumes and cortical surfaces using the SUMA toolbox ”

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