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Basic data

category Typesetting

AMS-LaTeX is a collection of macro packages for LaTeX . The individual packages are extensions especially for the mathematical formula set . They are part of every TeX distribution.


AMS-LaTeX is the continuation of AMS-TeX , which supports the formula set in plain TeX .

The American Mathematical Society originally developed AMS-LaTeX for authors of the journals it edited. The use of these macros has also become widespread over the years. They are also used by many other subjects that need mathematics as an auxiliary science - especially physics .

The amsrefs

The amsrefs extension package is used for the largely automatic creation of a bibliography that does not depend on BibTeX . It is intended to avoid some of the disadvantages of BibTeX. The database itself can be set and output as a LaTeX document. amsrefs can read the .bib files used by BibTeX.

See also


  • Philip S. Hirschhorn: Getting up and running with AMS-LaTeX . Version 2.3. January 28, 2013. - Documentation on AMS-LaTeX with an introduction to the use of LaTeX.
  • Frank Mittelbach u. a .: The LaTeX companion . Pearson study. Munich. 2nd Edition. 2005. ISBN 3-8273-7166-X . Chapter 8: Higher Mathematics. Pp. 477-554.
  • Herbert Voss : The amsmath package . In: ders .: Introduction to LaTeX - taking into account pdfLaTeX, XeLaTeX and LuaLaTeX. Lehmanns Media. Berlin. 2nd Edition. 2016. ISBN 978-3-86541-798-5 . Page 415–446.
  • Herbert Voss : Mathematical theorem with LaTeX . Lehmanns Media. Berlin. 2012. ISBN 978-3-86541-485-4 .
  • Herbert Voss : Mathmode . October 25, 2016. - An overview of math theorem with LaTeX including AMSmath in English.

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