Abalcazar García

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Abálcazar García (* late 19th century; † after December 1942 ) was a conservative Uruguayan politician .

García belonged to the Partido Nacional . Around 1919 he was vice president of the Junta Económica del Salto . From May 18, 1934 to May 16, 1938 he had a seat in the Uruguayan Senatorial House, the Cámara de Senadores .

In the late 1930s he became Minister for Industry and Labor. García also held the post of education minister around 1941.

Individual evidence

  1. Kevin Casas-Zamora: State funding and campaign finance practices in Uruguay. University of Oxford, accessed April 17, 2012 .
  2. Diario de sesiones de la Cámara de Representantes. Volume 26. Uruguay, Asamblea General, Cámara de Representantes 1919. p. 181 (Spanish)
  3. Parlamentarios Uruguayos 1830-2005. (PDF; 7.8 MB) Uruguayan Parliament, December 2006, archived from the original on February 4, 2014 ; Retrieved April 17, 2012 (Spanish). P. 658 ff.
  4. Diario de la Cámara de sesiones de Senadores de la República Oriental del Uruguay. Volume 168. Uruguay, Asamblea General, Cámara de Senadores 1939. p. 282 (Spanish)
  5. ^ Walter Rela: Uruguay. Chronologia Historica Documentada. Volume 5, part 2. P. 492 (Spanish) ( online (PDF) ( Memento from April 1, 2010 in the Internet Archive ))