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Abächerli coat of arms variation 1: In red on a green three-mountain, a golden chalice (mug) with a lid

Abächerli is a family name from the Swiss canton of Obwalden . Many namesake Giswil as their hometown , which is in the canton of Obwalden.

In Giswil there is a settlement called Ächerli on the slope above Rudenz , which is also called Ächerliberg . The Abächerli family comes from there . However, the meaning of this name of origin is not completely clear. A folk etymological interpretation creates a connection with Ächerli (in the sense of a small field ). Acheri (meaning a pig pasture ) is another possible explanation . Most likely a connection with the diminutive Ächerli from Acher (for maple ).

Abächerli coat of arms variation 2: In red, separated by golden wavy thread and divided twice, black shield base (arable land), on top of which is a golden sheaf.

Well-known namesake

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Hugo Müller: Obwalden name book . Kollegium Sarnen, Sarnen 1952, p. 85.