Abas (unit)

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Abas was a Persian mass unit. The measure was used as the pearl weight . The term was also a middle name for the Persian silver coin Abassy / Abaschee / Abbas.

  • 1 Abas = 0.1458 grams (after 7/40 grams = 0.175 grams )

The measure is said to have been ⅞ carat .


  • Jurende's patriotic pilgrim: business and entertainment book for all provinces of the Austrian imperial state: consecrated to all friends of culture from the teaching, military and nutritional class, especially to all nature and fatherland friends . Volume 21, Winiker, Brünn 1834, p. 337
  • Christian Noback, Friedrich Noback: Complete paperback of the coin, measure and weight ratios, the government papers, the exchange and banking system and the customs of all countries and trading places. FA Brockhaus, Leipzig 1850, p. 885

Individual evidence

  1. Friedrich Albrecht Niemann: Complete manual of the coins, measures and weights of all countries in the world. Verlag Gottfried Basse, Quedlinburg / Leipzig 1830, p. 1