Turning lane

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Turning lane (yellow) as a connecting ramp between two motorways.

A turning lane is a lane that is intended exclusively (in contrast to the main or directional lane) for turning to the right or left. Roadways intended for more than one direction are not included. They are structurally separated from the other lanes by crash barriers , curbs or concrete protective walls . A turning lane can also comprise several turning lanes .

Areas of application

At height-free crossings

Turning lanes are usually found at crossroads with no height, such as motorway junctions or triangles . There the turning lane runs parallel to the main lane and can be reached via the turning lane. For example, it serves as a connecting ramp between two different motorways.

In town

Crossroads in Wuppertal with free right turns.

At intersections with high traffic flow, separate lanes for turning right are often built in urban areas in order to increase the efficiency of the intersection. These turning lanes can be equipped with a pedestrian crossing or their own traffic light system for pedestrian crossings, or they can be built without crossing assistance for pedestrians. According to the leading German set of rules, the guidelines for the construction of city streets , RASt 06, free right -turns , i.e. non-signaled right-turn lanes, should only (still) be used in urban areas in exceptional cases, as they endanger pedestrians and cyclists. As an example of an exception , it is stated there that they may be necessary for reasons of driving geometry, i.e. a right turn would otherwise not be possible for some vehicles, as with acute-angled junctions.

Norms and standards

  • Guidelines for the construction of roads - Part: Junctions (RAS-K)
  • Guidelines for the construction of roads - Part: Cross-section (RAS-Q)


Individual evidence

  1. Printed matter - XVIII / 1188. Bergedorf district assembly, accessed on July 27, 2015 : “Both accidents occurred in the area of ​​so-called“ free right-turns ”. These are right-turn lanes, which are led at signaled intersections bypassing the traffic light. "
  2. Guidelines for the construction of city streets (RASt 06) Chap., triangular islands