Abkhaz State Broadcasting Company

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Infobox radio tower icon
Abkhaz State Broadcasting Company
Station logo
TV station ( public service )
Program type Full program
reception Abkhazia
Image resolution ( Entry missing )
Start of transmission 1978
Broadcaster AGTRK
Intendant Kachaber Amkuab
List of TV channels

Abkhaz National Broadcasting Company ( Abkhaz Аҧснытәи ахәынҭқарратә телерадиоеилахәыра ; Russian Абхазская государственная телерадиокомпания ) is the main broadcasting company in Abchasien . The company's roots go back to 1978.

The state television broadcaster ( Abkhazkoe TV ) operated by the company is the only Abkhazian broadcaster that can be received in almost all regions of the country. Large parts of its program are repetitions of programs by the Russian broadcaster Rossija K , but it also produces its own programs. It is broadcast in Russian and Abkhazian .

In spring 2017, representatives of the broadcaster signed a cooperation agreement with the Latin American Telesur television network.

The broadcaster's most important private competitor is Abasa TV, operated by the entrepreneur Beslan Butba .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. David X. Noack: Latin American broadcaster Telesur with a new partner in the Caucasus , in: amerika21.de, March 12, 2017.