Abd Allah ibn Ta'Allah al-Kumi

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Abd Allah ibn Ta'Allah al-Kumi , Arabic عبد الله بن طاع الله الكومي' DMG ' abd allāh ibn ṭa 'allāh al-kūmī , was the first Almohad Wālī in Mallorca in 1203 .


In 1203 the Almohads had finally conquered Mallorca and executed its last ruler, Abd Allah ibn Ishaq ibn Ghaniya, from the Almoravid dynasty of Banu Ghaniya . The actual war goal of the Almohads, however, was the demoralization of the Ghaniyids fighting in Ifrīqiya (North Africa) associated with the conquest , who were thus cut off from their home base. As their first wālī (governor) in Mallorca, the Almohads from the capital Marrakech installed Abd Allah ibn Ta'Allah al-Kumi. From this point on, the Balearic Islands were to form an integral part of the Almohad Caliphate for almost 30 years.

Not much is known about the life of Abd Allah as he was only in office for a relatively short time in 1203. He was later promoted to Admiral of the Almohad Fleet . His successor was Abu Said ibn Tujan , who ruled Mallorca from 1204 to 1208.

predecessor Office successor
Abd Allah ibn Ishaq ibn Ghaniya
Wālī of Mallorca
Abu Said ibn Tujan