Abd Allah ibn Ishaq ibn Ghaniya

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Abd Allah ibn Ishaq ibn Ghaniya , ( Arabic عبد الله بن إسحاق بن غانية' DMG ' abd allāh ibn ishāq ibn ġānīya ; † 1203 ), was the last Almoravid emir from the Ghaniyids family in the Taifa of Mallorca between 1187 and 1203 .


Family tree of the Ghaniyids, ruling emirs in green

Abd Allah ibn Ishaq ibn Ghaniya, was the son of the vizier Ishaq ibn Ghaniya .

In 1184 he accompanied his brother Ali ibn Ishaq ibn Ghaniya on his campaign to Ifrīqiya against the Almohads .

When he heard in 1186 that the Almohads and their partisans had taken practically the entire Taifa of Mallorca, he returned to the Balearic Islands ( Al-jaza'ir al-Sharquiya li-l-Andalus ), whereas Ali was in North Africa stayed. In 1187, Abd Allah succeeded in retaking Mallorca and Menorca , only Ibiza remained under the Almohads under Abu-l-Abbas as-Siqilli . On Menorca (Manurqa), Ibn Nayya, appointed by Abd Allah, ruled from 1188 .

Abd Allah signed trade agreements with the Republic of Pisa and the Republic of Genoa in 1188 to revive the ailing economy in Mallorca, but also to protect piracy. In 1199 he then successfully attacked Ibiza, which was defended by Abd al-Walid and Abu Abd Allah ibn Maymun .

The Almohads did not give up their attempts to recapture and so they managed to defeat and execute Abd Allah under the caliphate of Muhammad an-Nasir in November 1203. The Taifa of Mallorca was incorporated into the Almohad Empire and received as governor Abd Allah ibn Ta'Allah al-Kumi .

predecessor Office successor
Ali ibn Ishaq ibn Ghaniya Emir of Mallorca
Wālī Abd Allah ibn Ta'Allah al-Kumi