Abdollah Hedayat

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Abdollah Hedayat (born January 1, 1899 in Tehran ; died April 11, 1968 ) was the first four-star general of Iran , a member of the Iranian general staff and, through his military office, also a member of the cabinet. He was an adviser to the Shah of Persia, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi .

At the urging of Asadollah Alam , Iranian Prime Minister from 1962 to 1964, Hedayat was sentenced to two years in prison for embezzling funds intended for military housing.

He was the brother of Khosrow Hedayat Azar (born 1905 in Tehran; died 1974 in Geneva), who represented Iran as a diplomat at the Geneva headquarters of the UN .


  1. ^ A b No longer for the Corrupt , Time , May 24, 1963.