Abdulchalim Mirso Nasarsoda

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Abdulchalim Mirso Nasarsoda ( Tajik Абдуҳалим Мирзо Назарзода) († 2015 ) was a Tajik major general and Deputy Minister of Defense of the Republic of Tajikistan . In 2015 he was accused of attempting a coup against the government and was murdered in a shooting with government forces.


Nasarsoda graduated from General Education School No. 63 in Dushanbe . Until 1992 he worked in a hosiery factory and as warehouse manager.

During the civil war in Tajikistan (1991-1997) Nasarsoda fought on the side of the United Tajik Opposition . After the signing of the peace treaty in June 1997, according to which the opposition groups were awarded a 30 percent participation in the government, Nasarsoda made a steep military career.

Between 2003 and 2005, Nasarsoda studied at the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation , then at the Tajik National University . From 2005 to 2014, he held senior military posts in the ranks of Tajikistan's land forces before being appointed Deputy Minister of Defense.


At the beginning of September 2015 there was an armed attack against government and police facilities in the city of Wahdat , which is about 20 km east of the capital Dushanbe. The President of Tajikistan, Emomalij Rahmon , accused Nasarsoda of having been the main mastermind behind this uprising and removed him from all his offices. Thereupon Nasarsoda mobilized his supporters for an armed struggle against Rahmon, whom he strongly criticized for the tough crackdown on the opposition. With a large arsenal of weapons, the rebels holed up in the Romit Gorge, 40 km east of Duschende. The bloody fighting, which lasted for days, left dozens dead on both sides. On September 16, Nasarsoda was killed in an exchange of fire with the special forces of the Ministry of the Interior, along with 10 other supporters.

Individual evidence

  1. Экс-заместитель министра обороны Таджикистана Абдухалим Назарзода: досье. Retrieved November 14, 2018 .
  2. Бежавший генерал. Кем был Ходжи Халим? In: Радио Озоди . ( ozodi.org [accessed November 14, 2018]).
  3. Daniel Wechlin: Hunt for a general in Tajikistan | NZZ . In: Neue Zürcher Zeitung . September 8, 2015, ISSN  0376-6829 ( nzz.ch [accessed November 14, 2018]).
  4. В Таджикистане ликвидирован мятежный генерал Назарзода . In: Interfax.ru . September 16, 2015 ( interfax.ru [accessed November 14, 2018]).