Agreement on remote data transmission between customers and credit institutions

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The agreement on remote data transmission between customers and credit institutions ( DFÜ agreement ) is an agreement of the five associations of the German credit industry that are part of the interest group Die Deutsche Kreditwirtschaft for the electronic interfaces between customers and banks . The agreement, which has been in effect since March 15, 1995, defines a standard for the secure transmission of payment transaction data and regulates the technical framework conditions required for this.

In the agreement, the banks undertake to offer their customers data exchange via file transfer within the framework of the standard described.

The actual agreement consists of only three sides; the technical specifications are in:

Appendix 1 - Specification for the EBICS connection
with the new possibilities of the electronic signature, the specification of the protocol elements in XML , the sending of messages via HTTP and the cryptographic protection .
Appendix 2 - Specification for the FTAM connection
according to BCS ( Banking Communication Standard )
Appendix 3 - Specification of the data formats
with detailed field descriptions for payment orders via DTAUS , DTAZV, SEPA, account statements via MT940 as well as securities messages

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