Distraction feeding

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Distraction feeding , also called distraction feeding, is feeding animals in one place to keep them away from other places.


In order to prevent game damage in agricultural areas, diversion feeding systems can be set up in the forest, especially for wild boars . These are not to be confused with game feed, which is used to feed the game in times of need. No game may be shot at distraction feeds.

Migratory birds

In Luchen , maize is spread on harvested fields to keep the cranes pausing on their flight to the wintering location away from the winter seed. The animals eat up to 10% of the harvest in individual fields. The distraction feeding is not for feeding, but primarily for distraction.

In Sweden around 100 tons of grain are spread every year on the southern shore of Lake Hornborga to distract resting cranes from other sources of food.


Diversion feeding for migratory birds is controversial. One argument against it is that fed wild animals get used to the artificially created food sources and are no longer forced to look for food. Distraction feeding of wild boars in the forest can lead to undesired reproduction of the animals.

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Nabu.de
  2. wildschwein-sanglier.ch