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The last time you sail in a season is called sailing . After sailing, the boats are taken out of the water and taken to winter storage or made winter-proof. Sailing usually has a sporty component that consists of a regatta with one or more races . Since different boat classes are currently being driven in the clubs , this regatta is timed using the yardstick method. Afterwards, the evaluation takes place during a sailors' squat , during which a review of the season or the last regatta takes place. This sailor's stool can be designed as a social evening.

In contrast, sailing together for the first time in one season is called angling . Before sailing, the boats are fetched from winter storage, brought into the water and the masts set up. As with sailing, sailing is carried out as a regatta.

If not reefing in strong winds , so that the mast is overloaded and breaks, this is also referred to as sailing . If you can do it without a break, then "you sail the devil's ear off".

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