Absolutely convex set

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Absolutely convex sets play an important role in the theory of locally convex spaces , as they naturally lead to semi-norms .


A subset A of a real or complex vector space is called absolutely convex if for all with and all always holds. Thus A is absolutely convex if and only if A is balanced and convex . (Stands for the field of real or complex numbers.)

Relationship to semi-norms

U is an absolutely zero neighborhood of the topological vector space E , defined as a semi-norm on E . It applies


It is called also the Minkowski functional to U .

It is easy to show that every locally convex vector space has a zero neighborhood basis of absolutely convex sets. With the help of the Minkowski functionals, the topology can also be described by semi-norms. This clarifies the relationship between the two definitions given in the article on locally convex spaces .

Absolutely convex hull

Since intersections of absolutely convex sets are obviously absolutely convex again, every set M of a real or complex vector space is contained in a smallest absolutely convex set. This is called the absolutely convex hull of M. It is true
