Discount paper

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A discounting security is an interest-bearing security whose interest income is not paid during the term , but only at the end of the term . This can be interesting for tax reasons, as the interest is not taxed every year, but only once. When due, the paper is repaid at face value , so the issue value is below face value. The interest rate is already fixed at the time of issue .

Discounting papers include federal treasury bonds, zero bonds and some types of savings bonds.

Sample calculation

Assumption: nominal value € 10,000; Interest rate 4% pa; 5 year term.

Term year Interest rate pa Interest-bearing amount Interest income Payout
1 4% € 8,219.27 € 328.77 0 €
2 4% € 8,548.04 € 341.92 0 €
3 4% € 8,889.96 € 355.60 0 €
4th 4% € 9,245.56 € 369.82 0 €
5 4% € 9,615.38 € 384.62 € 10,000

(compare: compounding paper )