Académie internationale d'histoire des sciences

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The Académie internationale d'histoire des sciences (International Academy of the History of Science) is an organization of science historians.


It was founded on August 17, 1928 during the Congress of Historical Sciences in Oslo by Aldo Mieli (1879-1950), Abel Rey (1873-1940), George Sarton , Henry E. Sigerist , Charles Singer , Karl Sudhoff and Lynn Thorndike . Mieli, then a professor in Rome, published a first call for this in 1927 in the magazine Archeion and met with a response from the committee that was preparing the 6th Congress of History in Oslo in the USA. The International Committee for the History of Science founded there was the forerunner of the Academy. The actual academy was created after the Second World War as part of the establishment of the International Union of the History of Science and with initial funding from UNESCO . In the early years Mieli (who emigrated to Argentina in 1940) and after the Second World War the former rector of the Polytechnic in Bucharest, Pierre Sergescu , who had emigrated to Paris for political reasons, was permanent secretary , and after his death in 1954 Alexandre Koyré and from 1965 Pierre Costabel .

The organization publishes the periodicals Archeion (1929 to 1938 and in Argentina 1940 to 1943, publisher Mieli) and as their successor the Archives internationales d'histoire des sciences (from 1947).

It awards the Koyré Medal and a prize for young scientists. There are honorary members and active members, all of whom are appointed by the General Assembly.

The company is based at the observatory in Paris.

Prize for young historians

  • 1968 Serge Demidov for his paper Diffusion, extension, and limits of the axiomatic method in modern science, after the example of geometry .
  • 1986 Christoph Meinel for work on the history of chemistry
  • 1989 William R. Newman for his critical edition of Summa perfectionis by Pseudo-Geber (1991).
  • 1993 Baudouin Van Den Abeele for his book Les traités latins de fauconnerie (published as La Fauconnerie au Moyen Âge. Connaissance, affaitage et médecine des oiseaux de chasse d'après les traités latins , Klincksiek, 1994).
  • 1995 Marco Beretta for The enlightenment of matter, the definition of chemistry from Agricola to Lavoisier (Science History Publications, 1993).
  • 1997 Marie-Madeleine Saby for Les canons de Jean de Lignères sur les tables astronomiques de 1321 .
  • 1999 Andrea Breard for Recréation d'un concept mathématique dans la pensée chinoise and Jean-Pierre Sutto for his research on Franciscus Maurolicus .
  • 2001 Antonella Romano for La contre-réforme mathématique, constitution et diffusion d'une culture mathématique jésuite à la Renaissance (Ecole française de Rome, 1999), and Hiroshi Hirai for Le concept de semence dans les théories de la matière à la Renaissance, de Marsile Ficin à Pierre Gassendi (De Diversis Artibus 72).
  • 2003 Alberto Jori for Aristotele (Milan: Bruno Mondadori, 2003).
  • 2007 Harald Siebert for his work on Athanasius Kircher ( The great cosmological controversy. Reconstruction attempts based on the Itinerarium exstaticum by Athanasius Kircher SJ (1602-1680) , Franz Steiner Verlag, 2006).
  • 2009 Bernardo Machado Mota for O Estatu da matématica em Portugal nos séculos XVI e XVII .
  • 2011 Marc Moyon for the history of mathematics
  • 2013 Matteo Martelli for the critical edition of the Greek alchemical texts by Pseudo-Democritus with translation and commentary
  • 2015 Sabine Arnaud for her book L'Invention de l'hysterie au temps des lumières .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ History of the company on their website