Alberto Jori

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Alberto Jori (* 1965 in Mantua , Italy ) is an Italian philosopher who works in Germany.

The former Alexander von Humboldt Foundation fellow is an Aristotle researcher and adjunct professor of philosophy at the University of Tübingen . His monograph on Aristotle was awarded the Académie internationale d'histoire des sciences prize in 2003. His studies on Hippocrates of Kos and medical ethics are also important . He is a student of Otfried Höffe and a representative of practical philosophy .


  • Medicina e medici nell'antica Grecia: Saggio sul "Perì téchnes" ippocratico. Il Mulino, Bologna / Naples 1996, ISBN 88-15-05792-7 .
  • Aristotle: Il cielo. Introd., Trad., Note e apparati di Alberto Jori. Bompiani, Milan 1999; 2nd edition 2002.
    • Translation: Aristotle: Across the sky. Translated and explained by Alberto Jori. Akademie Verlag, Berlin 2009, ISBN 978-3-05-004303-6 .
  • Aristotle. Bruno Mondadori, Milan 2003, ISBN 88-424-9737-1 .
  • Hermann Conring (1606–1681). The founder of German legal history. MVK, Tübingen 2006, ISBN 3-935625-59-6 .
  • The Infinite: A Philosophical Inquiry. Books on Demand, Norderstedt 2010, ISBN 978-3-8423-3037-5 .

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