Action Européenne des Handicapés

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The Action Européenne des Handicapés (AEH) is an amalgamation of currently 24 European organizations that campaign for the interests of people with disabilities .

All organizations within the AEH are based in countries of the European Union . Members include organizations for the disabled from France, Luxembourg, Belgium, Great Britain, Germany, the Netherlands, Austria and Spain.

History and organization

AEH was founded in Luxembourg in 1979 . It is politically and denominationally neutral and is led by a voluntary executive committee. It consists of a president, three vice-presidents, a treasurer and several assessors. The number of assessors depends on the number of countries that have member associations in the association and that are represented in the European Parliament. The AEH president has been Ulrike Mascher since June 12, 2009 . Walter Hirrlinger previously held this office; on June 12, 2009 he was appointed honorary president of the AEH. The general secretariat is based at the social association VdK Germany .


The aims and demands of the AEH are

  • improving the living conditions of people with disabilities and their families,
  • achieving equal opportunities for disabled people in all areas of life,
  • the demand for targeted and effective measures to integrate people with disabilities into society and the world of work and
  • educating the public about Europe-wide and country-specific problems of people with disabilities.

The AEH fulfills these tasks by influencing European legislation and cooperating with other institutions and organizations.

The AEH is a member of the European Disability Forum (EDF), which supports the European Commission as an advisory body on questions of disability policy.

Members of the AEH

  • Algemene Nederlandse Gehandicapten Organizatie (ANGO), Amersfoort, Netherlands
  • Association des Parents d'Enfants Mentalement Handicapés (APEMH), Esch / Alzette, Luxembourg
  • Federal working group of clubs for the disabled and their friends V. (BAGcbf), Mainz, Germany
  • Federal Working Group on Self-Help for People with Disabilities V. (BAGS), Düsseldorf, Germany
  • Federal Association of Larynxes and Larynx Surgeons e. V. (BVK), Bonn, Germany
  • Office for integration projects, Hohenems, Austria
  • European Confederation of Laryngectomies (CEL), Chemnitz, Germany
  • Habinteg Housing Association, London, UK
  • Katholieke Vereniging Gehandicapten (KVG), Antwerp, Belgium
  • War Victims and Disabled Association Austria (KOBV-Ö), Vienna, Austria
  • PEGAP NY Athens, Greece
  • Scope, London, UK
  • Social Association VdK Germany e. V. Bonn, Germany
  • Groupement Européen pour l'Emploi des Personnes avec un Handicap Mental (GEEPHM), Madrid, Spain and its members:
    • Federal working group for workshops for disabled people (BAG: WfbM), Frankfurt, Germany
    • Confederación Española de Organizaciones en favor de las Personas con Retraso Mental (FEAPS) Madrid, Spain
    • EFOEZ, Budapest, Hungary
    • PEGAP-NY, Athens, Greece
    • Federação Nacional de Cooperativas de Solidariedade Social (FENACERCI), Lisbon, Portugal
    • SONČEK, Maribor, Slovenia
    • WAAK, Kuurne, Belgium

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