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Admor or Admor (plural: Admorim [ admɔr ] Hebrew אדמו"ר; also Zaddik or Rebbe , in German: Wunderrabbi ) is a religious honorary title in Hasidism - mostly used in texts - for the head of the Hasidic group. The term Admor is an acronym from Hebrew אדוננו מורנו ורבנו( ad onénu, mo rénu v e - r abbénu ), German "our lord, teacher and master / rabbi".

In Eastern European Hasidism, a tzaddik (originally: righteous ) was viewed as a mediator between God and man. He had meetings with him, acted as a counselor, and was eligible to receive support from his ward. He was also credited with the ability to perform miracles. During the development of Hasidism, the dignity of a tzaddik / admor became hereditary and dynasties were formed.

See also
