Aero Club d'Italia

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Headquarters of the Aero Club d'Italia in Rome

The Aero Club d'Italia (AeCI) is the umbrella organization for sports aviation in Italy . The club is a public corporation with its seat in Rome and is under the supervision of the Italian government. The AeCI brings together all of the Italian clubs and other organizations that promote aviation in all its forms and forms. In the field of aviation, it is the only association in the National Olympic Committee of Italy . The AeCI is a member of the Fédération Aéronautique Internationale (FAI).

The Aero Club d'Italia was founded in Padua in February 1910 , but officially only in November 1911 following an agreement between representatives of various aviation associations, the Automobile Club d'Italia and the Touring Club Italiano in Rome. The oldest forerunner of the AeCI was the Società Aeronautica Italiana , founded in Milan in 1904 , which was involved in the founding of the FAI the following year.

During the years of Italian fascism , two name changes took place: From 1927 the organization traded as Reale Aero Club d'Italia (RAeCI) or "Royal Aero Club of Italy", in 1936 it was renamed Reale Unione Nazionale Aeronautica (RUNA) because of the English-sounding name. or "Royal National Aviation Confederation". In 1947 the Aero Club got its original name back from 1911.

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