Air sports
The Air Sports (including sports aviation ) is part of the general aviation and includes all types of sporting activities or aircraft and their acquisition, operation and maintenance.
Air sports disciplines
With aircraft lighter than air
Heavier than air with aircraft

- with motorized aircraft :
- with air sports equipment :
As a member of ARISF, the umbrella organization Fédération Aéronautique Internationale (FAI) represents the interests of air sports on an international level. It creates guidelines and competition regulations, coordinates international competitions and is responsible for the assessment and recognition of world record attempts.
At the national level, air athletes are often organized through local air sports clubs, which in turn are members of national umbrella organizations. Examples of the latter are the Royal Aero Club in the UK or the Aero Club in Switzerland .
In Germany
In Germany the FAI is represented by the German Aero Club (DAeC). In addition, there are numerous other umbrella organizations that mostly feel responsible for individual sub-areas of air sports:
- German Skydiving Association (DFV): Parachute jump
- German Free Ballooning Association (DFSV): ballooning
- German Hang Glider Association (DHV): Paraglider and hang glider flight
- German Model Aviation Association (DMFV): Model flight
- German Glider Association (DSV): Glider flight
- German Ultralight Flight Association (DULV): Ultralight flight
- German Ultralight Glider Association (DULSV): Glider flight
- Dragon Club Germany (DCD): kite sport (until 2006)
- Modellflugsportverband Deutschland (MFSD): Model flying
See also
Web links
- - World Air Sports Association website