Aeroflot flight 1036

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Coordinates: 43 ° 23 ′ 13 ″  N , 39 ° 53 ′ 54 ″  E

Aeroflot flight 1036
Aeroflot Ilyushin Il-18 McKnight.jpg

An Aeroflot Il-18 similar to the one that crashed

Accident summary
Accident type unexplained
place Black Sea , about 6 to 10 km west of Sochi Airport
date 1st October 1972
Fatalities 109
Survivors 0
Aircraft type Ilyushin Il-18W
operator Aeroflot
Mark CCCP-75507
Departure airport Sochi airport
Destination airport Moscow Vnukovo Airport
Passengers 101
crew 8th
Lists of aviation accidents

The Aeroflot Flight 1036 was a scheduled flight from Sochi to Moscow on which an Ilyushin Il-18 on October 1, 1972, just after the launch accident.

Flight history

The Il-18 took off from Sochi Airport at 19:21 local time on a heading 240 °. About a minute later, the pilots were instructed to make a right turn in the direction of Lazarevskoye and climb to 3000 meters. Shortly after the Ilyushin Il-18 took the right turn, the four-engine propeller plane suddenly tilted sharply to the left and crashed into the Black Sea at 7:25 p.m. from about 150 to 250 meters . At 7:40 p.m., the Navy was informed of the plane crash and found the first wreckage and body parts at around 11:52 p.m. All 109 people on board died.

Cause of accident

The cause of the accident could not be clarified, as much of the debris of the Il-18 could not be recovered. The debris is about 600 meters deep on a 45 ° steep slope, which is covered with a thick layer of mud. The few debris recovered were examined, but no traces of fire or a bomb could be found.

Individual evidence