Against Violent Extremism

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Against Violent Extremism (AVE) is a global network of ex- extremists , survivors of violence and people from the public and private sectors with an interest in this topic. They work together to counter all forms of violent extremism. The stated goal of the AVE is to provide a platform for communication and collaboration, and to find a means for activists to find resources and funding for projects.


AVE has its origins in the Summit Against Violent Extremism (SAVE), which took place in Dublin in the summer of 2011 . As the first major Google Ideas initiative , SAVE brought together former extremists and survivors of violent extremism from around the world.


The network aims to amplify the voices of ex-extremists and survivors in an effective way to counter radicalization.


In bringing together a global network of ex-extremists of all ideologies with survivors of violence, AVE aims to facilitate the "cross-pollination" of ideas between members in a way that increases the effectiveness of all. The involvement of people from both the private and public sectors interested in such issues has facilitated this dialogue.


With its contacts from various fields, the network offers practical support for grassroots projects to combat extremism at the local level.


The network endorses the positive role ex-extremists and survivors can play in preventing violent extremism. These individuals have the credibility and motivation to reach out to young people who are at risk. AVE also emphasizes the important role that the civil society sector can play in an area that is normally dominated by the public sector.


AVE is managed by the London Institute for Strategic Dialogue , which took over the management of Google Ideas in February 2012. The network is funded entirely by the private sector, with funding from Google Ideas and US-based Gen Next Foundations. The network also receives technical support from the Belfast rehab studio.

Known members

AVE has more than 450 former extremists and violent extremism survivors from around the world as members e.g. B .:


It has been criticized that the project overestimates the influence of the former extremists who are integrated into this process. In general, there is also skepticism about the extent to which findings from the fight against gang crime in Los Angeles can be transferred to the fight against the threat of Islamist extremism in Islamabad .

Individual evidence

  1. A partnership between the Institute for Strategic Dialogue , Google Ideas and the Gen Next Foundation : Can a social network fight “extremism”? In: AlJazeera. May 2012. (online) ( Memento from July 10, 2013 in the web archive )
  2. Ross Frennet, Vidhya Ramalingham: The EDL rally failed plot shows how much extremists need eachother. In: , May 2013. (online)
  3. ^ Brian Center :: LA to Dublin and Beyond. In: The Huffington Post. July 2011. (online)
  4. ^ Michael Ide: Google Ideas organizes Anti-Extremism conference in Dublin., June 2011. (online)
  5. Paul Cahalan, Jonathan Owen: Terror in Woolich: Internet is the vital frontline in a was against extremism. In: The Independent. May 2013. (online)
  6. ^ Institute for Strategic Dialogue. Press release. September 2012. (online) ( Memento from July 14, 2014 in the Internet Archive )
  7. Brooke Rogers: Viewpoints: How should radicalization be tackled? In: , May 2013. (online)
  8. a b RAN INT / EXT WORKING GROUP: Proposed Policy Recommendations For the High Level Conference, Radicalization Awareness Network. December 2012. (online)
  9. RESILIENT COMMUNITIES NEWS / BLOG, "Former Extremists work against violent extremism," Resilient Communities. (No longer available online.) May 13, 2013, archived from the original on February 17, 2014 ; Retrieved August 11, 2013 .
  10. ^ Graham Smith: Google backs new social network for former terrorists and their victims that aims to combat extremism and gang culture around the world. In: The Daily Mail. April 2012. (online)
  11. ^ BK, THE LOCAL: New Social Network Links ex-terrorists and victims. In: The Local. April 2012. (online)
  12. ^ Peter R. Neumann: Options and Strategies for Countering Online Radicalization in the United States, Studies in Conflict & Terrorism. 36: 6, p. 446. (online)
  14. Jonathan Githens-Mazer: Google's big idea against extremism needs to learn the important maxim of political violence: "no justice, no peace"? In: Open Democracy. Jul. 2011. (online)