Aglaophon the Elder

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Aglaophon ( Greek Ἀγλαοϕῶν Aglaophṓn ) was an ancient Greek painter from Thasos , who at the turn of the 6th to 5th century BC. Was active and was still active at the time of the Persian Wars. He was the father and teacher of the famous painter Polygnotos and Aristophon .

Very little is known about his work, especially since there was a younger painter of the same name, presumably the grandson of Aglaophon , and the assignment of works associated with the name to the two painters is sometimes only possible with reservations. According to Quintilian , his paintings, like those of his son Polygnot simplex color , were simple in color. Nevertheless, they were not only worth seeing because of their age, but were also preferred by some to the more perfect works of later artists despite their simple coloring. What this judgment is based on cannot be inferred. Only one Nike , which he was the first painter to decorate with wings, is known from written records.


  1. Simonides of Keos in Pausanias 10, 27, 4; Plato , Ion 532; Lykurgos of Athens with Valerius Harpokration sv Πολύγνωτος ; Suda , keyword Πολύγνωτος , Adler number: pi 1948 , Suda-Online ; Photios , Lexicon sv Πολύγνωτος ; Pliny, Naturalis historia 35, 58; Scholion to Plato, Gorgias 448 B; Dion Chrysostom , orationes 55, 1, 282.
  2. From Pliny , Naturalis historia 35, 60 in the 90th Olympiad , thus in the time around 420 BC. Set; of him also refers Cicero , de oratore 3, 7, of it between Zeuxis and Apelles calls.
  3. Quintilian, institutio oratoria 12, 10.
  4. According to Karystios von Pergamon in a Scholion to Aristophanes , Die Vögel 573.
