Agnes of Württemberg (1264–1305)

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Agnes von Württemberg (* 1255; † 27 September 1305 ) was the eldest daughter from the marriage of Ulrich I , named the founder (* 1226; † 1265), Count of Württemberg , and his first wife Mechthild von Baden (* after 1225).

Agnes was married to Count Konrad IV of Oettingen († before February 15, 1279) in her first marriage since May 7, 1275 . In her second marriage, she married Count Friedrich II of Truhendingen (* 1253 † 1290) before January 11, 1282 . Agnes was married to Count Kraft I. von Hohenlohe-Weikersheim († 1313) before July 3, 1295 in their third marriage.

Agnes von Württemberg was buried in Mergentheim in the Dominican monastery.

Individual evidence

  2. Not to be confused with the Bamberg Prince-Bishop Friedrich II. Von Truhendingen († 1366)


  • Gerhard Raff : Hie good Wirtemberg all the way. Volume 1: The House of Württemberg from Count Ulrich the Founder to Duke Ludwig. 6th edition. Landhege, Schwaigern 2014, ISBN 978-3-943066-34-0 , pp. 60–63.