Mechthild of Baden

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Mechthild von Baden (* after 1225; † after 1258) was Countess of Württemberg .

Mechthild was the daughter of Margrave Hermann V. von Baden and Irmengard von der Pfalz . Before April 4, 1251, she married Count Ulrich I, the founder of Württemberg. The wedding was of great importance for the territorial development of Württemberg and Baden. During this time, the House of Baden shifted the focus of its rule away from the possessions in the central Neckar area to the northern Black Forest between Pforzheim and Baden, today's Baden-Baden . With the marriage, the future state capital Stuttgart came to Württemberg. The descendants from this marriage are:

  • Ulrich II. , Count of Württemberg (* after 1253; † 1279)
  • Agnes (* before 1264; † 1305)
  • Mechthild (* before 1264, † before 1284).

Mechthild von Baden was buried in the Beutelsbach collegiate church. Their bones were transferred to the collegiate church in Stuttgart in 1316 or 1320 .


  1. Genealogy Württemberg on September 26, 2006


  • Gerhard Raff : Hie good Wirtemberg all the way. Volume 1: The House of Württemberg from Count Ulrich the Founder to Duke Ludwig. 6th edition. Landhege, Schwaigern 2014, ISBN 978-3-943066-34-0 , pp. 36-39.