Wine town

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coat of arms Germany map
Coat of arms of the city of Weinstadt
Wine town
Map of Germany, position of the city of Weinstadt highlighted

Coordinates: 48 ° 49 '  N , 9 ° 22'  E

Basic data
State : Baden-Württemberg
Administrative region : Stuttgart
County : Rems-Murr district
Height : 241 m above sea level NHN
Area : 31.71 km 2
Residents: 26,987 (Dec. 31, 2018)
Population density : 851 inhabitants per km 2
Postal code : 71384
Area code : 07151
License plate : WN, BK
Community key : 08 1 19 091
City structure: 5 districts

City administration address :
Town hall Beutelsbach
Marktplatz 1
71384 Weinstadt
Website :
Lord Mayor : Michael Scharmann ( FW )
Location of the town of Weinstadt in the Rems-Murr district
Allmersbach im Tal Allmersbach im Tal Althütte Auenwald Backnang Backnang Burgstetten Fellbach Großerlach Kaisersbach Kaisersbach Kaisersbach Kaisersbach Kirchberg an der Murr Leutenbach (Württemberg) Leutenbach (Württemberg) Leutenbach (Württemberg) Murrhardt Oppenweiler Plüderhausen Plüderhausen Plüderhausen Rudersberg Schorndorf Schwaikheim Spiegelberg Sulzbach an der Murr Waiblingen Waiblingen Waiblingen Weissach im Tal Welzheim Winnenden Winterbach (Remstal) Aspach (bei Backnang) Berglen Berglen Weinstadt Kernen im Remstal Urbach (Remstal) Alfdorf Alfdorf Korb (Württemberg) Remshaldenmap
About this picture

Weinstadt is a town about 15 km east of Stuttgart in Baden-Württemberg . It belongs to the Stuttgart region (until 1992 the Middle Neckar region ) and the European metropolitan region of Stuttgart . The municipality, which was only newly formed as part of the regional reform on January 1, 1975, has been a city since March 9, 1976 and a major district town since January 1, 1979 . Today it is the sixth largest city in the Rems-Murr district and forms a sub-center in the central area of Waiblingen / Fellbach .


Wine town from Kleinheppacher Kopf
Panorama of Beutelsbach
Panorama Schnait
Panorama Strümpfelbach

Geographical location

The urban area of ​​Weinstadt extends on both sides of the Rems , which flows here from the Remstal into the Neckar basin to flow at Remseck am Neckar . The Großheppach district is north of the river, the other districts south. In the south of the urban area, the vineyards stretch up on the slopes of the foothills of the Schurwald forest , as well as in the north of the urban area, in Großheppach, here on the slopes of the Swabian Forest.

Viticulture is practiced in all parts of the city, hence the name of the city.

City structure

Weinstadt is divided into the following districts. (In brackets the number of inhabitants on January 31, 2012):

  • Beutelsbach (8542 inhabitants)
  • Endersbach (7406 inhabitants)
  • Großheppach (4398 inhabitants)
  • Schnait (3226 inhabitants)
  • Strümpfelbach (2374 inhabitants)

The districts are spatially identical to the former municipalities, the official designation of the districts is in the form of "district ..." In addition, there are other residential areas or residential areas with their own names, the boundaries of which are partly not defined. The Schönbühl homestead , the Burg residential area and the Benzach settlement belong to Beutelsbach. The lost town of Wintzen belongs to Endersbach. The hamlet of Gundelsbach and the Wolfshof residential area are part of Großheppach. The district of Baach and the Saffrichhof residential area as well as the abandoned Mühlhöflein area belong to Schnait.

Kleinheppach , located behind Großheppach, belongs to the municipality of Korb .

Spatial planning

Weinstadt is a sub-center for about 50,000 inhabitants in the central region of Waiblingen / Fellbach the Stuttgart region , the regional center of the state capital Stuttgart is.

Division of space

According to data from the State Statistical Office , as of 2014.

Neighboring communities

The following cities and communities border the city of Weinstadt. They are named clockwise starting in the west: Kernen im Remstal , Waiblingen , Korb , an exclave of the city Waiblingen, Remshalden and Winterbach (all Rems-Murr-Kreis ) as well as Baltmannsweiler and Aichwald ( Esslingen district ).


Regional history affiliation of the predecessor communities Weinstadt

The suburbs of Weinstadt were long in the High Middle Ages on the northern edge of the Duchy of Swabia . They came to the territory of Altwuerttemberg in the course of the late Middle Ages and the early modern period and were therefore also part of the newly founded Kingdom of Württemberg and the free People's State of Württemberg that was established in 1918 . In 1938, as part of a regional reform in Württemberg during the Nazi era , all the places that had previously been divided between the Schorndorf and Waiblingen administrative offices became part of the Waiblingen district . In 1945 the district of Waiblingen fell into the American zone of occupation and thus belonged to the newly founded state of Württemberg-Baden , which was incorporated into the current state of Baden-Württemberg in 1952. During the district reform in 1973 , the communities were assigned to the newly formed Rems-Murr district before they merged in 1975 to form the new town of Weinstadt.

Wine town

Weinstadt was created during the municipal reform on January 1, 1975 through the merger of the four formerly independent municipalities of Beutelsbach, Endersbach, Großheppach and Schnait . Strümpfelbach had already been incorporated into Endersbach on January 1, 1973. Therefore, there are still five different town centers today, with the districts of Beutelsbach and Endersbach now having an urban character.

The newly formed community already had more than 20,000 inhabitants when it was founded. However, it was not until 1978 that the municipal administration submitted the application for a major district town, which the state government of Baden-Württemberg then decided with effect from January 1, 1979.

The former communities are old Württemberg places, each with a long history.


Collegiate Church of the House of Württemberg


Endersbach was first mentioned in 1278 as Andrespach and probably came to Württemberg with Schorndorf. Unlike Beutelsbach, Endersbach belonged to the Waiblingen Oberamt from 1762 to 1765 and again from 1807 , from which the Waiblingen district emerged in 1938. In 1861, Endersbach received a station on the new Remsbahn and was thus integrated into the rail network of the Württembergische Eisenbahn at an early stage.



Schnait around 1900, top left today's Silcherstraße 70, bottom left Schnait Castle

Schnait was first mentioned in 1238 as Snait . The place probably came to Württemberg with Beutelsbach, but other lords had rights to the place until 1605. Like Beutelsbach, it belonged to the office or Oberamt Schorndorf and after its dissolution in 1938 came to the district of Waiblingen. The old wine press was built in 1934.


Folk costume festival in Strümpfelbach around 1910

Strümpfelbach was first mentioned in 1265 as Striumphilbach and probably came to Württemberg in the 13th century. The place belonged to the office or Oberamt Schorndorf and came from 1762 to 1765 and then again from 1807 to the Oberamt Waiblingen, from which the district Waiblingen emerged in 1938. The old wine press was built in 1928.

Population development

The figures are census results (¹) or official updates from the respective statistical offices ( main residences only ).

year Residents
0June 6, 1961 ¹ 12,765
May 27, 1970 ¹ 17,822
December 31, 1975 22,162
December 31, 1980 23,244
year Residents
December 31, 1985 23,255
May 25, 1987 ¹ 23,148
December 31, 1990 23,999
December 31, 1995 24,941
year Residents
December 31, 2000 25,643
December 31, 2005 26,245
December 31, 2010 26,421
December 31, 2015 26,685

¹ census result

The information for the years 1961 and 1970 refer to the municipalities from which the municipality of Weinstadt was formed in 1975. The population numbers were as follows:

  • 1961: Beutelsbach 3199, Endersbach 3326, Großheppach 2200, Schnait 2245, Strümpfelbach 1795
  • 1970: Beutelsbach 5111, Endersbach 4512, Großheppach 2905, Schnait 3124, Strümpfelbach 2170


As a result of belonging to the county or the Duchy of Württemberg , the Reformation was introduced in all five of today's Weinstadt districts . For centuries the places were almost exclusively Protestant. The five evangelical parishes belong to these two deaneries or church districts within the Evangelical Church in Württemberg due to the earlier affiliation of the parishes to the Waiblingen and Schorndorf authorities . Endersbach, Großheppach and Strümpfelbach belong to the church district Waiblingen , Beutelsbach and Schnait belong to the church district Schorndorf .

With the influx of Catholics from Bavaria during the construction of the railway and especially after the Second World War , Catholic parishes and their own churches also emerged. In 1956 the St. Anna church in Beutelsbach and the St. Andreas church in Endersbach were built. In 1971, Schnait received its own Catholic Church Heilig Kreuz, whereby the parishioners belong to the parish of Beutelsbach. Großheppach received its own Catholic Church of St. Stephen in 1974 , whereby the parishioners - as well as the parishioners from Strümpfelbach - belong to the parish of Endersbach. All parishes belong to the Rems-Murr deanery of the Rottenburg-Stuttgart diocese .

In addition to these two churches, there are also free churches in Weinstadt , such as the Evangelical Free Church Congregation ( Baptists ), the Mission Church in Weinstadt and the Christ Center in Weinstadt . The New Apostolic Church and Jehovah's Witnesses are also represented in Weinstadt.


Town hall Weinstadt in Beutelsbach
Endersbach town hall
Town hall Strümpfelbach
Grossheppach town hall
Schützenhüttle in the vineyards

Municipal council

The community council in Weinstadt has 26 members. The local elections on May 26, 2019 led to the following official final result. The municipal council consists of the elected voluntary councilors and the mayor as chairman. The mayor is entitled to vote in the municipal council.

Parties and constituencies %
Local elections 2019
Turnout: 62.38% (2014: 52.42%)
Gains and losses
compared to 2014
 % p
-4.90  % p
-0.17  % p
+ 7.71  % p
-2.63  % p
CDU Christian Democratic Union of Germany 30.50 8th 35.40 9
FW Free Voters Weinstadt eV 27.54 7th 27.71 7th
GOL Green Open List Weinstadt 24.99 7th 17.28 5
SPD Social Democratic Party of Germany 16.98 4th 19.61 5
total 100.0 26th 100.0 26th
voter turnout 62.38% 52.42%

Weinstadt youth council

The Weinstadt Youth Council was founded in 2013. All youth councilors were between 14 and 18 years old when they took office. The management is taken over by the city youth department, the house of youth work supports the youth community council with personnel in projects and events and through an office and contact point. At the beginning of their term of office, the 13 young people elect a chairman as well as a note-taker, a member of the youth community council umbrella organization and a treasurer. The meetings of the youth council are open to all citizens. The projects implemented by the youth council so far include a new skate facility in Weinstadt and a film project on urban development. The youth council is currently concerned with: a trip to the Europapark, band contest in the youth work house and the improvement of bus connections within Weinstadt. The work of the youth councils is voluntary, but to cover the costs, each youth council receives a fixed rate of 100 euros per year. Every two years, young people between the ages of 14 and 18 from Weinstadt can elect the youth council. This is done through online voting. Every young person between the ages of 14 and 18 from Weinstadt can be set up. At the end of the election, the newly elected youth councilors are announced at an election party.

As in the municipal council, there are also meetings in the youth council. These take place at least four times a year. The young people themselves set the agenda. Members of the parties represented in the municipal council are present at each meeting. Current topics such as youth, sports and leisure facilities or local public transport are addressed in the respective sessions. In order to be able to put some problems or ideas into practice better, internal committees (transport committee, etc.) are formed. These committees then deal more closely with the respective tasks. In contrast to the public meeting, the committees can also take place in camera.


The mayor was initially at the head of the community of Weinstadt . With the elevation to the major district town on January 1, 1979, the mayor bears the official title of mayor . This is elected directly by the electorate for 8 years. He is chairman of the municipal council . With Thomas Deißler he has an alderman as general deputy who bears the title of First Mayor . In addition, each parliamentary group has an honorary deputy mayor on the municipal council. These are currently Ulrich Witzlinger (CDU), Rolf Weller (FW), Hans Randler (SPD) and Manfred Siglinger (GOL).

Mayor or Lord Mayor:

  • 1975–2000: Jürgen Hofer (FDP)
  • 2000–2016: Jürgen Oswald (CDU)
  • since December 2016: Michael Scharmann ( FW )

Scharmann was elected in October 2016 with 64.3% of the vote. Incumbent Oswald was no longer running.

coat of arms

The coat of arms of the city of Weinstadt shows "Under a golden shield head, inside a black stag pole, in black a golden grape". The city flag is yellow and black. The coat of arms and flag were awarded to the community of Weinstadt on May 3, 1976 by the Rems-Murr-Kreis district office.

The grape symbolizes the viticulture, which gave the municipality its name. The Württemberg stag sticks indicate that the districts belonged to Württemberg for a long time.

Town twinning

Weinstadt has been twinned with the French city ​​of Parthenay since 1980 and with the Polish city ​​of Międzychód since 1990 . Friendly relations exist with the cities of Abrantes (Portugal), Arnedo (Spain), Casale Monferrato (Italy) and Tipperary (Ireland).

Culture and sights

Event halls


There are cultural events mainly in the various halls in the city area, Hall Beutelsbach, Jahnhalle Endersbach, Prinz-Eugen-Halle Großheppach, Schnaiter Halle and Strümpfelbacher Halle. There is also the Alte Kelter in Strümpfelbach , which can be used as an event location.

Strümpfelbach Sculpture Trail

Sculpture trail

There is a sculpture trail in the Strümpfelbach vineyards . 29 sculptures and sculptures made of bronze and stone, works from three generations of artists, line the sculpture path through the Strümpfelbach vineyards: bronze works by Fritz Nuss and his son Karl Ulrich Nuss as well as the stone sculptures by Christoph Traub, the grandson of Fritz Nuss.

Schnait sculpture and wine trail

On another located in vineyards sculpture trail, the sculptures and Weinlehrweg Schnait , the stone sculptures from Schnaiter hobby artists and Wengerter Ludwig Heeß be considered, such as the wine press, the grapes cars sculptures Gölte and indulgences , the stone wine table , Wengerterfrau and grapes making .


A memorial plaque in the cemetery in the district of Endersbach commemorates the Baptist conscientious objector Alfred Herbst , who was murdered in Brandenburg-Görden in 1943 .

Karlstein lookout point

The Karlstein viewpoint is located in the vineyards near Endersbach and Strümpfelbach .


  • The old town hall in Beutelsbach was renovated in 2013/14 and had the special exhibition 500 years of poor Konrad in the lower part of the house from May to September.
  • There are two museums in the Endersbach district. Heimatmuseum Pflaster 14 and the Heimatstube. The Heimatstube Endersbach houses oil paintings and pastels by the important painter Karl Wilhelm Bauerle (1831–1912), who was born in Endersbach .
  • Nut museum Strümpfelbach as well as the sculpture path, which extends through the vineyards in Strümpfelbach
  • The Silcher Museum of the Swabian Choir Association in the former Schnait village school, the birthplace of Friedrich Silcher , is dedicated to the life and work of the composer.


The most important building and landmark of the city is the collegiate church in Beutelsbach, the former burial place of the House of Württemberg. The current church was built around 1522, but is essentially older.

The Endersbach parish church is a late Gothic former fortified church, the nave of which was built in 1468. The choir and sacristy date from 1491, the tower was built in 1769. In 1730 the ship was redesigned in Baroque style.

The Schnaiter Church is more recent. It was only built in 1748 as a so-called gallery hall.

In Schnait there are also the three castles of the Lords of Gaisberg, which were built between 1500 and 1600.

The parish church in Strümpfelbach is a late Gothic choir tower that was expanded in 1784. In addition, Strümpfelbach offers many half-timbered houses. For example the old town hall .

In Großheppach, the Großheppach Castle from 1592 is particularly worth seeing, which has belonged to the von Gaisberg family since around 1900 . It had belonged to the female ancestors of this family since 1749. Today it is one of the few castles in Baden-Württemberg that is still privately owned. In addition to the Großheppach Castle, the Schnait Castle, built by the Lords of Gaisberg, is also a popular destination for half-timbered enthusiasts.

Remstal Garden Show 2019

Chimney house on the Birkelspitze at the mouth of the Haldenbach (from left) into the Rems

From May 10 to October 20, 2019, a green project of the state of Baden-Württemberg took place in Remstal , in which Weinstadt is also participating. This Remstal garden show 2019 is one of the "small" garden shows that alternate annually with the state garden shows.

In this context, the viewpoint was redesigned on the Luitenbächer height, "Remstal cinema" at the lookout "three giants" created and at the mouth of the Heppach an oxbow lake of the Rems remodeled with a sandy beach. Weinstadt took part in the “16 stations”, the garden show's architecture project, with a white “chimney house” on the “Birkelspitze” headland at the mouth of the Haldenbach, which is intended to remind of the tradition of half-timbered construction. World icon

Regular events

The spring market takes place in the Beutelsbach annually in spring and the cherry market in autumn. The wine village in Beutelsbach around May 1st attracts visitors from near and far. In Endersbach there is the window flower market on the second Wednesday in May , the wine festival with grocer's market in September and the Christmas market in December. There is an annual Martini market in Schnait. In September there is the Festival of 100 Wines at the Häckermühle in Großheppach. Particularly noteworthy is the night of the cellars, during which the various wineries in the city present their wines in their vaulted cellars. The three-day wine press festival takes place in Strümpfelbach every year.

In addition, the Bacchus Festival takes place every two to three years, with the districts alternating as organizers. In May and June there are wine tastings in the vineyards of Großheppach (Mother's Day weekend) and Endersbach.

The Beutelsbacher Kirbe (in October) and the Schnaiter Kirbe (in August) are regionally known .

Economy and Infrastructure

Remstal winery in Beutelsbach


The districts of Weinstadt used to live mainly from viticulture . With a vineyard area of ​​489 hectares, Weinstadt (as of 2011) ranks fourth among the wine-growing communities in the Württemberg wine-growing region . Today some medium-sized companies have also settled. In addition, many employees commute to the surrounding cities, especially Waiblingen and Stuttgart.


B29 in the Weinstadt area

Road traffic

The federal highway 29 Stuttgart - Schwäbisch Gmünd - Aalen , which has been developed as an expressway, runs through the urban area . The area of ​​the city can be reached via three exits.

Rail and bus transport

Weinstadt is on the Remsbahn Stuttgart – Aalen (- Nuremberg ). The S-Bahn line S2 ( Schorndorf - Stuttgart - Airport - Filderstadt ) also runs on this route . The following stops are in the urban area of ​​Weinstadt: Stetten-Beinstein , Endersbach and Beutelsbach . There are several bus routes within the urban area. All lines can be used at uniform prices within the Stuttgart Transport and Tariff Association (VVS).


About daily events Wine City's report as newspapers , the Waiblingen district newspaper . The Blättle (or s'Blättle ) in which both church appointments, club and other events have also been reports (mostly cultural) about events of the past week can be found and published weekly, each household receives free.

Weinstadt is the seat of the Kwick online community, which has existed since 2001 .

Public facilities

Weinstadt has a notary's office in Endersbach.


In Weinstadt there is a high school ( Remstal-Gymnasium ), a Realschule ( Reinhold-Nägele-Realschule ), a Werkrealschule ( Erich Kästner-Schule ), continued as a community school from 2015 , and a special needs school ( Vollmarschule ), which is located in the Weinstadt educational center between the Districts Endersbach and Beutelsbach are summarized. There is also a primary school in each district , with the schools in Endersbach ( Silcherschule ) and Großheppach ( Friedrich Schiller School ) each having a special name.

Two private schools, the college for social pedagogy and the college for geriatric care of the Großheppach sisterhood , complete the educational offer in Weinstadt. The Volkshochschule Unteres Remstal e. V. has its branch in the Wabe house in Weinstadt.


With around 1700 members, SV Weinstadt is one of the two largest sports clubs alongside VfL Endersbach. It was founded in 1897 as TSV Beutelsbach and has been called SV Weinstadt since 2001. SV Weinstadt operates handball, athletics, swimming, taekwondo, table tennis, gymnastics and volleyball, among other things.

VfL from Endersbach, founded in 1908 and also with around 1700 members, offers a wide range of activities as a multi-discipline club with its gymnastics, handball, athletics, swimming, ski guilds, basketball, cardiac sports and disabled sports departments. In addition to the individual departmental activities, the VfL youth department organizes various events for all children and young people.

There are two football clubs in Weinstadt, namely SG Weinstadt and TSV Strümpfelbach.

In 1997 the handball game community Weinstadt (HSG Weinstadt) was founded from the handball departments of VfL Endersbach and TSV Großheppach. In 2011, HSG Weinstadt merged with the handball department of SV Weinstadt to form the Weinstadt Handball community (SG Weinstadt). With five active men, two active women and, for the most part, two youth teams of all ages, SG Weinstadt Handball is one of the largest handball clubs in the Rems-Murr district.

With the BG Endersbach there is a basketball club in Weinstadt, which is based in VfL Endersbach.

The tennis club Weinstadt Endersbach e. V., founded on December 7th, 1967, is the oldest tennis club in Weinstadt.


Gaispeter monument in Beutelsbach
Silcher monument in Schnait
Another Silcher monument in Schnait.

Honorary citizen

The city of Weinstadt and its former communities have granted honorary citizenship to the following people, among others :

  • 1949: Karl and Oskar Birkel, owners of the Schwabennudelwerke B. Birkel Söhne (Ebg.Endersbach), located in Endersbach from 1909 to 1998
  • 1950: Christian Graze, owner of the Graze beekeeping equipment factory, which has been based in Endersbach since 1872 (Ebg.Endersbach)
  • 1972: Sophie Weishaar, senior teacher and chronicler (Ebg.Strümpfelbach)
  • 1972: Karl Christian Birkel (born December 3, 1904 in Schorndorf; † May 13, 1992 in Endersbach), owner of the Schwabennudelwerke B. Birkel Söhne (Ebg.Endersbach)
  • 1974: Hermann Plessing, Mayor of Beutelsbach (Ebg. Beutelsbach)
  • 1977: Fritz Nuss (born May 24, 1907 in Göppingen; † March 3, 1999 in Strümpfelbach), sculptor from Strümpfelbach
  • 1983: Walter Eberhardt, Mayor of Strümpfelbach
  • 2007: Jürgen Hofer, Mayor or Lord Mayor from 1975 to 2000
  • 2013: Karl Ulrich ´Uller´ Nuss, sculptor and art professor
  • Karl Baisch, owner of the factory for medical and dental practice furniture and main donor for the construction of the monastery bath in Beutelsbach
  • Karl Dippon (born January 5, 1901 in Beutelsbach, † August 27, 1981 in Schorndorf), wine grower and politician

sons and daughters of the town

  • Peter Gais, Gaispeter from Beutelsbach, led the peasant revolt of poor Konrad against the Duke of Württemberg in 1514 .
  • Georg Daniel Auberlen (born August 15, 1728 in Endersbach, † July 1, 1784 in Fellbach ), schoolmaster, musician and composer.
  • Philipp Friedrich Silcher (born June 27, 1789 in Schnait, † August 26, 1860 in Tübingen ), song composer
  • Heinrich von Idler (born February 11, 1802 in Strümpfelbach, † April 6, 1878 in Cannstatt ), Württemberg chief bailiff, member of the state parliament
  • Karl Wilhelm Bauerle (English: Bowerley) (born June 5, 1831 in Endersbach, † August 26, 1912 in Aichelberg ), was a painter, at the court of Queen Victoria since 1869 .
  • Karl Dippon (born January 5, 1901 in Beutelsbach, † August 27, 1981 in Schorndorf), wine grower and politician, member of the state parliament
  • Ludwig Stimmler (born September 29, 1940 in Weinstadt; † January 31, 2003 there), jazz musician
  • Mathias Richling (born March 24, 1953 in Endersbach), cabaret artist
  • Juan Amador (born December 10, 1968 in Strümpfelbach), cook

Personalities who have worked here

  • Johann Jakob Thill (* December 22, 1747 in Stuttgart, † March 31, 1772 in Großheppach), poet revered by Friedrich Hölderlin (1770–1843).
  • Karl Georg Pfleiderer (born May 10, 1899 in Stuttgart; † October 8, 1957 in Bonn), lived on the Burg estate near Beutelsbach.
  • Jürgen Rohwer (born May 24, 1924 in Friedrichroda; † July 24, 2015 in Weinstadt), librarian and military historian, lived in Weinstadt.
  • Gotthilf Fischer (born February 11, 1928 in Deizisau), choir director, lived in Weinstadt.


  • Sophie Weishaar: Strümpfelbach im Remstal 1265–1965. Verlag Eugen Hauchler, Leinfelden and Biberach an der Riss 1966, OCLC 699326922 .
  • Heinz E. Walter (Ed.): The local book of Endersbach 1278–1978. Ortsbücher-Verlag, Liebenstein Castle 1978, DNB 790280434 .
  • Ulrich Stolte: Poet in the amusical Württemberg. A new autograph of Friedrich Hölderlin's idol Johann Jakob Thill. In: Suevica. Volume 9, (= Stuttgart works on German studies. No. 423). Hans-Dieter Heinz Akademischer Verlag, Stuttgart 2004, ISBN 3-88099-428-5 , pp. 95-110.

Web links

Commons : Weinstadt  - Collection of images, videos and audio files
Wikivoyage: Wine Town  - Travel Guide

Individual evidence

  1. State Statistical Office Baden-Württemberg - Population by nationality and gender on December 31, 2018 (CSV file) ( help on this ).
  2. - facts and figures .
  3. Main statute of the city of Weinstadt from September 29, 2005, last amended on June 25, 2009 .
  4. ^ The state of Baden-Württemberg. Official description by district and municipality. Volume III: Stuttgart District, Middle Neckar Regional Association. Kohlhammer, Stuttgart 1978, ISBN 3-17-004758-2 , pp. 563-567.
  5. State Statistical Office, area since 1988 according to actual use for Weinstadt.
  6. ^ Federal Statistical Office (ed.): Historical municipality directory for the Federal Republic of Germany. Name, border and key number changes in municipalities, counties and administrative districts from May 27, 1970 to December 31, 1982 . W. Kohlhammer, Stuttgart / Mainz 1983, ISBN 3-17-003263-1 , p. 464 .
  7. ^ Federal Statistical Office (ed.): Historical municipality directory for the Federal Republic of Germany. Name, border and key number changes in municipalities, counties and administrative districts from May 27, 1970 to December 31, 1982 . W. Kohlhammer, Stuttgart / Mainz 1983, ISBN 3-17-003263-1 , p. 459 .
  8. Evangelical Free Church Community Weinstadt. Retrieved February 7, 2015 .
  9. ^ Mission congregation Weinstadt. Retrieved February 7, 2015 .
  10. Christ Center Weinstadt. Retrieved February 7, 2015 .
  11. ^ New Apostolic Church in Beutelsbach. Retrieved February 7, 2015 .
  12. Jehovah's Witnesses Weinstadt. Retrieved February 7, 2015 .
  13. ITEOS electoral information
  15. Memorial sites for the victims of National Socialism. A documentation, volume 1. Federal Agency for Civic Education, Bonn 1995, ISBN 3-89331-208-0 , p. 103.
  16. Claudia Bell: Feeling strengthened for Fellbach and the Rems Valley. In: Stuttgarter Nachrichten. October 21, 2019, accessed December 24, 2019 .
  17. Architecture with 16 stations on Retrieved June 21, 2019.
  18. ^ Statistical reports Baden-Württemberg. Agriculture , CI 5 -j / 11, March 8, 2012, online here (PDF; 243 kB).
  19. ^ Website of the SV Weinstadt ( Memento of the original from May 30, 2012 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. .  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  20. VfL Endersbach website .
  21. ^ Website of the SG Weinstadt .
  22. ^ Website of the Weinstadt Endersbach tennis club .
  23. ^ Obituary for Walter Eberhardt ( Memento from July 31, 2007 in the Internet Archive )
  24. ^ New Year's reception of the city of Weinstadt ( Memento from April 18, 2009 in the Internet Archive ).