Ahmed Mezerna

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Ahmed Mezerna (born April 29, 1907 in Blida , † May 31, 1982 in Paris ) was an Algerian - French politician. From 1946 to 1951 he was a member of the National Assembly .

Life and career

Mezerna grew up in Algeria, learned the trade of shoemaker and later also worked as a tram driver . In what was then the French colony, he joined the national movement and was part of a group that was close to Messali Hadj . In 1937 he joined Hadj's Algerian People's Party and was an expert on trade union issues within it. Before and during the Second World War he was arrested several times before he was released again in 1944. Mezerna belonged to the Politburo of his party and was jointly responsible for the riots in May 1945, which is why he was arrested again and was able to leave prison some time afterwards thanks to a general amnesty.

In 1946 the MTLD was founded as the successor party to the People's Party and Mezerna was allowed to run for it in the parliamentary elections in 1946 as the first listener in a constituency of the Algerian capital, Algiers . His list won two out of five seats to be awarded there, making it into the National Assembly in Paris. In Parliament he was a member of the Labor and Social Security Committee, then the National Security Committee, and finally the Committee on Home Affairs. During his time as a member of parliament, he was seen as a clear enemy of colonialism and French colonial policy. In the elections in 1951, he ran again as the listener, but his list with 10.6 percent could not win a single mandate and he was eliminated from parliament. After that he continued to play a role in the Algerian national movement and called for the unification of all nationalist groups. This led to his arrest in Cairo in 1955 and only released shortly before Algerian independence in 1962. He then decided against returning to Algeria and lived in France until his death in 1982.

Individual evidence

  1. Base de données historique des anciens députés , assemblee-nationale.fr