Aiolia (island)
Aiolia ( Greek Αἰολία , Latin Aeolia) was a legendary floating island in Greek mythology in the far west and seat of Aiolos , the god of the winds.
The island is surrounded by cliffs and an iron wall and has the features of an island of the dead .
Already in ancient times the island was located in real geography as one of the Aeolian Islands ( Greek Αἰόλου νῆσοι ).
- Hans von Geisau: Aiolia. In: The Little Pauly (KlP). Volume 1, Stuttgart 1964, Col. 179 f.
- D. Page: Folktales in Homer's Odyssey 1972, pp. 73-78
- R. Strömberg: The Aeolus episode and Greek wind magic In: Acta Univ. Gothoburgiensis 56 (1950), p. 71
- Karl Tümpel : Aiolie . In: Paulys Realencyclopadie der classischen Antiquity Science (RE). Volume I, 1, Stuttgart 1893, Sp. 1032-1034.
Individual evidence
- ↑ Homer Odyssey 10.3f
- ↑ Antiochus of Syracuse FGrH 555 F 1
- ↑ Thucydides 3.88
- ↑ Pausania's description of Greece 11/10/3