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As Akrotonie means the promotion of buds size and the runner length at the tips of annual shoots. The size of lower-lying side buds or those formed near the annual base of the shoot remains, or the buds do not sprout at all. Thus, acrotonia leads to increased shoot and leaf formation in the outer crown area, in the faint crown interior the branching intensity is reduced. Acrotonia is typical of the growth of trees and is a cause of the storied structure of most conifers . In the case of inflorescences , acrotonia means the promotion of the terminal bloom and the upper side branches. Basitonia , the promotion of the buds in the basal area, is typical for shrubs .

The term acrotonia was first introduced by Karl Göbel in 1928 to promote leaf growth in the upper part, and later he also used it for inflorescences.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Peter Schütt , Hans Joachim Schuck, Bernd Stimm (eds.): Lexicon of tree and shrub species. The standard work of forest botany. Morphology, pathology, ecology and systematics of important tree and shrub species . Nikol, Hamburg 2002, ISBN 3-933203-53-8 , pp. 34 (reprinted 1992).
  2. a b c d Gerhard Wagenitz : Dictionary of Botany. Morphology, anatomy, taxonomy, evolution. With English-German and French-German registers . 2nd expanded edition. Nikol, Hamburg 2008, ISBN 978-3-937872-94-0 , pp. 9 (licensed edition from 2003).