Activity concentration

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The activity concentration is a physical quantity that the activity of a radionuclide in the ratio to the volume in which the radionuclide is distributed sets. The activity concentration in Becquerel per cubic meter (Bq / m 3 ) indicated .

The activity concentration is mainly determined when measuring radon in order to be able to draw conclusions about the potential alpha energy of the air . The activity concentration is also used to determine the limit values ​​in drinking water .

A limit value of 100 Bq / l (Becquerel per liter ) was set for tritium in the EC Directive 98/83 / EC .

Individual evidence

  1. activity concentration . Federal Office for Radiation Protection , archived from the original on April 24, 2015 ; accessed on June 15, 2016 (German).
  2. ↑ 98/83 / EG (PDF) , Official Journal of the European Communities, PDF


  • Bavarian State Ministry for the Environment, Health and Consumer Protection: Radioactivity, X-rays and Health (October 2006)
  • Hanno Krieger: Fundamentals of radiation physics and radiation protection (2nd edition - July 2007)