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Al-Jiʿrāna or, differently vocalized, al-Jiʿrāna ( Arabic الجعرانة, DMG al-Ǧiʿrāna ), was a small village in the vicinity of Mecca with two places of prayer, one of which, al-masjid al-adnā ("the closer mosque"), was built by a member of the Quraish tribe and the other, al -masdschid al-aqsā ("the more distant mosque"), was used by the Prophet Mohammed as the starting point of his third small pilgrimage ( ʿumra ) by putting on the pilgrim's robe here.

In al-Jiʿrāna, Muhammad distributed the booty that was made in 630 AD on the occasion of the battle in the valley of Hunain against the tribes of the Hawāzin and Thaqīf . This valley lies between Mecca and at-Tā'if .