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Al-Kulainī ( Arabic الكليني al-Kulaini ; probably born in 879 ; died 941 ) was a Shiite scholar, Fiqh - and Hadith expert of the twelve Shiites (Imamites). He was a leader of the Shiites under the incumbent Abbasid - Caliph al-Muqtadir . His full name was Abū Ǧaʿfar Muḥammad b. Yaʿqūb b. Isḥāq al-Kulainī ar-Rāzī . A variant of his Nisba is al-Kulīnī.

Little is known about al-Kulainī's life. He was born in a village called Kolēn about 40 km southeast of Ray . His father Yaʿqūb b. Isḥāq was one of the leading scholars in Qom . According to Imamite tradition, al-Kulainī studied in Qom for a long time and moved to Baghdad between 913 and 923 . Here he settled on the west bank of the Tigris in Darb as-Silsila near the Kufa gate of Baghdad. Here he also completed his life's work, the Kitāb al-Kāfī.

Kitab al-Kafi

Al-Kulainī was the compiler of the famous Shiite hadeeth collection Kitāb al-Kāfī (الكافي al-Kāfī 'the sufficient') of the Twelve Shiites , the most important and valuable book of al-kutub al-arbaʿa - the four most important hadiths of the Shiites - whichservesthe Shiitesas an important advisor inaddition to the Koran .

Al-Kulainī lived in the time of the Little Hideaway of the Imam of Time (Imam Mahdi). When this was no longer accessible to the faithful, he collected the traditions of the Prophet Mohammed and the "Infallible Imams" (see also Ahl-ul-Bait & Fourteen Infallible ), he worked on this work for twenty or thirty years. It consists of five volumes and contains 16,199 hadiths. Various copies have been preserved.

Quote from al-Kulainī

“The imam is responsible for directing prayer, collecting the poor tax, regulating fasting [in Ramadan], pilgrimage ( hajj ), jihad, housekeeping of community property ( fai ' ) and alms, enforcing the [im Koran prescribed] corporal punishment ( hudûd ), passing judgments and defending borders. "


  • Kitab al-Kafi
  • Kitāb ar-Rijāl (About persons as governors of tradition)
  • ar-Radd ʿalā 'l-Qarāmiṭa (Refutation of the Karmatians )
  • Rasāʾil al-aʾimma (Letters of the Imams)
  • Kitāb taʿbīr ar-ruʾyā

Of these works, only the Kitāb al-Kāfi remains .


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. al-Kulainī, based on: Halm, Schiiten , p. 82
  2. It was published by Ali Akbar al-Ghaffari in 1961 in a modern eight-volume edition in Tehran.