Ala Pomponiana

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The Ala Pomponiana ( German  Ala des Pomponius ) was a Roman auxiliary unit . It is evidenced by an inscription.

Name components

  • Pomponiana : of Pomponius. One of the unit's first commanders may have been Titus Pomponius Petra , after whom the Ala was named.

Since there is no reference to the addition of milliaria (1000 men) to the name , the unit was an Ala quingenaria . The nominal strength of the Ala was 480 men, consisting of 16 towers with 30 riders each.


The grave stone of Niger was found in Bonn ; therefore the unit was probably stationed in Germania inferior . Since there is no evidence of its later existence, John Spaul suspects that the Ala may have been renamed Ala Petriana or was merged with another unit.


Locations of the Ala are not known.

Members of the Ala

The following members of the Ala are known:



See also


  1. a b In the inscription ( CIL 11, 969 ) Titus Pomponius Petra is referred to as praefectus equitum ; the name of the Ala under his command is not given in the inscription. John Spaul believes that Pomponiana was a temporary name and was later replaced by Petriana .

Individual evidence

  1. John EH Spaul: Ala. The Auxiliary Cavalry Units of the Pre-Diocletianic Imperial Roman Army. Nectoreca Press, Andover 1994, ISBN 0-9525062-0-3 , p. 179.