Puente del Alamillo

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Coordinates: 37 ° 24 ′ 48 ″  N , 5 ° 59 ′ 25 ″  W.

Puente del Alamillo
Puente del Alamillo
use 4-lane motorway, footpath, bike path
Crossing of Guadalquivir
place Guadalquivir , Spain
construction Cable-stayed bridge
overall length 250 m
Longest span 200 m
height 142
planner Santiago Calatrava
Puente del Alamillo (Andalusia)
Puente del Alamillo
Puentes de Sevilla.png

The Puente del Alamillo (Eng. Alamillo Bridge) is a cable-stayed bridge over the Guadalquivir in Seville , Spain . It was designed by Santiago Calatrava for Expo 1992 and was the first cable-stayed bridge in the world that has no back anchoring.

Puente del Alamillo by night

The structure is a harp bridge. The roadway is supported by 26 steel cables that are attached to a sloping pylon . The pylon has a height of 142 meters and is inclined by 58 degrees, facing away from the bridge side. The length of the bridge is 250 meters, the main span 200 meters.

It represents an improvement in local traffic and part of the bypass road for Seville with the surrounding area. Originally, the Puente del Alamillo was planned as a double bridge. Due to lack of money and because of the very expensive construction, only one bridge was built.

Web links

Commons : Puente del Alamillo  - collection of images, videos and audio files