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Alaunus or Alaunius is a god of Celtic mythology . He is the chief god of Alauni , a Norian part of the tribe. He is described as the sun, healing and fortune telling deity.

Etymology and Tradition

Alaunus is probably related to the Cymric word Alaw- ("harmony"). The proto-Indo-European root * alamo- (“treasure”, “fortune”) may also be found in it.

The name Alaunus was mainly used in dedicatory inscriptions in what is now France, z. B. in Notre-Dame-des-Anges near Lurs ( Département Alpes-de-Haute-Provence ) in the Greek spelling Αλα [υ] νειουι and found in Nîmes ; however, the veneration of Alaunus is also attested in inscriptions for Mannheim in Germania superior . In this inscription from Roman times, Alaunus was equated with the genius of Mercurius .

See also

Individual evidence

  1. CIL 12, 1517 [3] us Tacitus / [3] Alaunio / [3] s (ua) p (ecunia) v (otum) s (olvit) l (ibens) m (erito).
  2. CIL 13, 6425 [Ge] nio Mercur (i) / Alauni Iul (ius) Ac [co] / nius Augustinus / ex v (oto) s (olvit) l (aetus) l (ibens) m (erito).
