Albert Duquesne

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Albert Duquesne (aka Albert Simard ; * 1890 in Baie-Saint-Paul ; † May 20, 1956 in Montreal ) was a Canadian actor.

Simard came to Montreal at the age of fifteen. He took acting lessons from Eugène Lassalle and studied at the Conservatoire d'art dramatique de Montréal under the direction of Philippe Dutet . He made his debut as Albert Duquesne at the Théâtre Canadien with the acting company of Fernand Dhavrol . He then moved to Thêatre National and joined the theater group of Bella Ouellette and Julian Daoust , where he met Fred Barry .

With this he founded the Troupe Barry-Duquesne in 1929 , which from 1930 resided in the Cinéma Chanteclerc ( Theater Stella , today Théâtre du Rideau Vert ). The troupe, which, under the direction of Antoine Godeau, included actors such as Pierre Durand , Gaston Dauriac , Jeanne Demons , Antoinette Giroux and Jacques Auger , brought a new production of a play currently successful in Paris to the stage every week during the season. Nevertheless, the Stella had to close after five seasons.

In the years that followed, Duquesne was particularly successful on the radio, such as Alexis in Claude-Henri Grignon's Velles Histoires des pays d'en haut . For sixteen years he was the spokesman for the Nouvelles de chez nous on CKAK. He also worked on the revues of Fridolinons , played the padre in the film Tit-Coq in 1948 and was one of the regular cast of director Gratien Gélinas . He was married to the actress Marthe Thiéry .
