Albert Paulitz

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AlbertPaulitz (center) during the 2nd  Stutthof Trial
Death sentence against Albert Paulitz u. a.

Albert Paulitz (born March 31, 1909 in Neuteich ; † October 22, 1948 in Gdańsk ) was an SS-Oberscharführer and worked as a command leader in the Stutthof concentration camp near Danzig.


Albert Paulitz was the son of the bricklayer Albert Paulitz and his wife Elisabeth Paulitz, née Stopschinski. He had two sisters and two brothers. Paulitz first graduated from high school and then worked as an administrative assistant, later as an administrative inspector of the SS police reserve. He was with Erna Paulitz, geb. Bröker married. His military number was Danzig 09 / V / 33/2. Albert Paulitz joined the NSDAP in early 1933 and became a member of the SS on April 17, 1933.

He was SS-Oberscharführer and from 1940 worked in the Stutthof concentration camp near Danzig as a commando leader. Paulitz was sentenced to death during the second of the Stutthof trials in Danzig and hanged on October 22, 1948 .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Information from the criminal record of the public prosecutor's office in Danzig of October 29, 1941 according to § 23 of the Ordinance. about the registration system; Muzeum Stutthof
  2. Wehrstammkarte No. 42072 256; Muzeum Stutthof
  3. Waldemar Kowalski: KARA śmierci W Gdańsku 1945-1987 . In: (Polish)