Alberto Tognoli

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Alberto Tognoli (1967)

Alberto Tognoli (born July 26, 1937 in Brescia , † March 3, 2008 in Rapallo ) was an Italian mathematician who dealt with real algebraic geometry.

Tognoli studied in Pisa (Laurea 1960) and was a professor at the University of Trento .

He was known for his results on Nash functions and Nash manifolds (after John Nash ). He proved a conjecture by Nash that smooth compact manifolds are diffeomorphic to non-singular real algebraic manifolds (theorem of Nash and Tognoli).

In 1988 he received the Mathematics Prize of the Accademia dei XL and in 1974 the Premio Caccioppoli


  • Algebraic Geometry and Nash Functions, Institutiones Mathematicae, Academic Press 1978
  • with M. Galbiati (editor): Real analytic and algebraic geometry: proceedings of the conference held in Trento, Italy, October 3-7, 1988, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1420, Springer Verlag 1990
  • Singularities of Analytic Spaces, CIME, Rome: Cremonese 1975
  • Introduzione alla teoria degli spazi analitici reali, Rome, Accademia dei Lincei 1976
  • Approximation theorems and Nash conjecture, Memoires SMF, 38, 1974, 53-68, numdam
  • Algebraic approximation of manifolds and spaces, Seminaire Bourbaki, No. 548, 1979/80, numdam

Individual evidence

  1. Francesca Acquistapace; Fabrizio Broglia; Giuseppe Tomassini: Ricordo di Alberto Tognoli. In: La Matematica nella Società e nella Cultura. Rivista dell'Unione Matematica Italiana 7.1 (2014): 139-152. Retrieved August 28, 2020 (Italian).
  2. Tognoli Su una congettura di Nash , Ann. Scuola Norm. Sup. Pisa, Vol. 27, 1973, pp. 167-185