Albino Principe

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Albino Principe (born November 16, 1905 in Naples , † April 27, 1980 in Rome ) was an Italian actor , film director and producer .


Principe was a stage actor before he played in his first film in 1934 and played mostly inconspicuous characters in medium and small supporting roles for a decade (he was cast as a pianist in his first film). After the Second World War he appeared in front of the camera much less often - he had his last appearance in 1964 - and instead pursued a career as a producer and screenwriter (from 1952) and occasional director (from 1958, a total of four films) of consumer goods that were not made the mass of productions. At the beginning of the 1970s, he withdrew into private life.

Filmography (selection)

  • 1934: Come le foglie
  • 1964: Il disco volante
Producer and screenwriter
  • 1954: La colpa di una madre
  • 1955: Rebel for Freedom (Il mantello rosso)
  • 1967: Gli amori di Angelica
  • 1958: Il segreto delle rose (also screenplay)
  • 1970: Un giorno, una vita (also production and screenplay) (as Alan Prince )

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Roberto Poppi: Dizionario del cinema italiano. I registers. Gremese Editore, Rome 2002, p. 347