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Albucilla († 37 AD) was a Roman nobleman who lived in the early imperial period .

Albucilla was the wife of Satrius Secundus , a client of the influential Praetorian prefect Seianus . She is said to have had numerous extramarital affairs. Because of adultery and irreverent behavior towards the Emperor Tiberius , she was brought to trial by the Praetorian Prefect Macro in his last year of reign (37 AD) . Three senators, Gnaeus Domitius Ahenobarbus , Gaius Vibius Marsus, and Lucius Arruntius , as well as several less respected people were also implicated as alleged accomplices in this trial. Albucilla tried unsuccessfully to kill herself, then was thrown into dungeon and died there. Arruntius committed suicide; the other defendants were saved by the Princeps' death, which soon followed .



  1. Tacitus , Annalen 6, 47f .; Cassius Dio , Roman History 58, 27, 4.