Alejandra Costamagna

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Alejandra Costamagna, 2018

Alejandra Costamagna Crivelli (* 1970 in Santiago de Chile ) is a Chilean writer and journalist.


Costamagna Crivelli studied journalism at the University of Diego Portales . She then took part in literary workshops led by Guillermo Blanco , Pía Barros , Carlos Cerda and Antonio Skármeta . She subsequently worked as an editor in the “Culture and Events” section of La Nación magazine. Then she worked for the station Rock & Pop , where she was responsible for the programs Gente de mente (people with understanding) and Parque Forestal sin número (forest park without a number). This was followed by a position as editor of the cultural magazine Rocinanteand the online magazine El Periodista. Costamagna Crivelli is currently a professor at the Escuela de Periodismo of the Universidad de Chile .

In 2008 Costamagna received the Anna Seghers Prize , in 2020 the Premio Atenea .


Novels and short stories

  • En voz baja. Novela. (LOM Ediciones, 1996). Primer premio Juegos Florales Gabriela Mistral, Chile 1996. Mención honrosa Premio Municipal de Literatura de Santiago, Chile 1997
  • Ciudadano en retiro. Novela (Planeta, 1998)
  • Malas noches. Cuentos. (Planeta, 2000)
  • Cansado ya del sol.Novela (Planeta, 2002)
  • Últimos fuegos. Cuentos (Ediciones B. 2005)
  • Dile que no estoy. Novela (Planeta, 2007)

Stories in community editions

  • Dedos para el piano. En Música ligera (Grijalbo, 1994)
  • Micro. En Salidas de madre (Planeta, 1996)
  • En el parque. En: Voces de eros (Mondadori, 1997)
  • Espejo. En: Relatos y resacas (Planeta, 1997)
  • Grito de Leningrado. En: Cuentos extraviados (Alfaguara, 1997)
  • Los extranjeros. En: Líneas aéreas (Lengua de Trapo, 1999)
  • Cucharitas. En: Alucinaciones.TXT (Puerto de escape, 2007)

Web links