Alessandro Vollero

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Alessandro Vollero (* 1889 in Gragnano ; † 1959 ) was an Italian-American mobster and high-ranking boss of the American Camorra .

Vollero was born in Italy, emigrated with his family to the United States in 1909 and settled in Brooklyn .

As boss of the Navy St. Gang , he was an important ally and underboss of Pellegrino Morano in the so-called Mafia-Camorra War , in which the Sicilian Mafia fought with the Neapolitan Camorra from 1914 to 1918.

On November 6, 1916, he organized the murder of the Sicilian rivals from the Morello family ; That day, Nicholas Morello and his bodyguard Charles Ubriaco were shot in front of the headquarters of Volleros Gang, a sidewalk cafe on Navy Street ("Vollero's Cafe"), when they appeared to an alleged meeting with the Camorra in order to peacefully come to an agreement .

The five assassins were successful, but “Torpedo” Tony Notaro and Ralph Daniello were arrested, and Daniello made a testimony that also led to the arrest of Vollero and Morano.

On June 20, 1918, Vollero was sentenced to death on the basis of this statement. While he was detained in Sing Sing , the death penalty was commuted to life imprisonment . During this detention he also met Joe Valachi when he arrived there on June 15, 1928 to serve one of his first sentences. Vollero is said to have instructed Valachi in the complexity of the underworld, which also included the distinction between Sicilians and non-Sicilians, which was to indirectly play a role in the following larger dispute, the so-called War of Castellammare .

On April 28, 1933, Vollero was released after 14 years in prison and sent to his birthplace Gragnano near Naples.


  1. PoliceCourt 1918 (English)
  2. Alessandro Vollero ( Memento from September 9, 2012 in the web archive ) (English)