Alexander Alexandrovich Kornilov

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Alexander Kornilov

Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Kornilov ( Russian Александр Александрович Корнилов ; born November 18 . Jul / thirtieth November  1862 greg. In Saint Petersburg , †  1925 ) was a Russian historian and liberal politicians. His main focus of work was the time of Alexander II and the life of Bakunin . He taught at the St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University .

His Modern Russian History from the age of Catherine the Great to the end of the 19th century received wide attention.



  • Modern Russian History: Being an authoritative and detailed history of Russia from the Age of Catherine the Great to the Present , in 2 volumes, 679pp, trans. by Alexander S. Kaun, New York, Knopf, 1917. Reprinted as:
    • Modern Russian History: from the Age of Catherine the Great to the End of the 19th Century , Knopf, 1943, 1951, 1952, 1970.
    • 19th Century Russia: From the Age of Napoleon to the Eve of Revolution , edited and abridged by Robert Bass, New York, Capricorn Books, 1966, 428pp.


  • Krest'anskaya reforma . Saint Petersburg, Tipo-lit. F. Vaijsberga i P. Gershunina, 1905, 271p.
  • Krest'ansky stroj , 1905
  • Ocherki po istorii obshchestvennago dvizheniya i krestyanskago dela v Rossii , Saint Petersburg, 1905, 473pp.
  • Obshchestvennoe dvizheniie pri Aleksandre II, 1855-1881: istoricheskie ocherki , Moscow, Russkaja Mysl , 1909, 263pp.
  • Molodye gody Mikhaila Bakunina: iz istorīi russkago romantizma , Moscow, Izd. M. i S. Sabashnikovykh, 1915, 718p.
  • Russkaya politika v Pol'she so vremeni razdelov do nachala XX veka: istoricheskij ocherk , Petrograd, Ogni, 1915, 93p.
  • Semejstvo Bakuninykh , [Moscow, Izd. M. i S. Sabashnikovykh, 1915], 2 volumes.
  • Course istorii Rossii devytnadtsatogo weka , in 3 volumes, 1918, reprinted in 1969.
  • Gody stranstvij Mikhaila Bakunina , Leningrad, Gos. izd-vo, 1925, 590p.

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