Alexander Christoforowitsch Vostokow

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Alexander Ch. Vostokov

Alexander Christoforowitsch Wostokow ( Russian Александр Христофорович Востоков , originally Alexander Osteneck ; born March 16 . Jul / 27. March  1781 greg. In Kuressaare on Saaremaa in the Governorate of Livonia ; † February 8 jul. / 20th February  1864 greg. In Saint Petersburg ) was a Russian philologist of German-Baltic origin.

He was born as the illegitimate son of Land Marshal Ludwig von der Osten-Sacken (* 1737, † 1813) from the noble family von der Osten-Sacken . It originally bore the name "Osteneck", which he later Russified to "Vostokow" ( East means Vostok in Russian ).

He studied at the Russian Art Academy in Saint Petersburg. He worked as a poet and translator throughout his life. He has made a name for himself as the founder of comparative linguistics in Russian and as an explorer of Old Church Slavonic , especially as the discoverer of the Ostromir Gospel , the oldest East Slavic manuscript. The name " Swetlana " was introduced to the Russian language by him and made famous through Wassili Shukowski's ballad.

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  1. German Baltic Biographical Lexicon 1710–1960 . Böhlau, Cologne / Vienna 1970, ISBN 3-412-42670-9 , p. 566 ( online ).