Alexander Fyodorowitsch Schischkin

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Alexander Fjodorowitsch Schischkin ( Russian Александр Фёдорович Ши́шкин ; born December 23, 1902 in Bubrowo; † November 6, 1977 ) was a communist moral philosopher and professor.


From 1921 to 1926 Schischkin studied at the Leningrad Communist Institute of Political Enlightenment. He then worked there as a teacher until autumn 1932. At the same time he made from 1928 to 1932 an apprenticeship at the Leningrad Institute of Scientific Education. Since 1928 Shishkin was a member of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union . In the autumn of 1932 he was appointed head of the Institute for Education in Vologda , where he also held the chair of philosophy. In March 1937 Schischkin was appointed deputy head of the university administration in the People's Commissariat for Education . At the same time he taught at the Moscow Oblast Pedagogical Institute. From 1949 to 1974 Schischkin headed the philosophy chair at the Moscow State Institute for International Relations . In 1954 he received his doctorate in philosophy. In 1963 he was given the honorary title of "Honored Scientist of the RSFSR ".


  • Педагогические идеи Канта (Kant's pedagogical ideas). In: Советская педагогика . 1938. № 7
  • Теория воспитания Дени Дидро (Diderot's theory of education). In: Советская педагогика . 1938. № 10
  • О сущности теории естественного воспитания Ж.-Ж.Руссо (About the nature of the natural upbringing of Jean-Jacques Rousseau). In: Советская педагогика . 1939. № 7
  • Bourgeois morality, weapon of imperialist reaction . Translated by Leon Nebenzahl. Dietz, Berlin 1952
  • Основы коммунистической морали . Moscow 1955
    • The basics of communist morality . Translated by Ullrich Kuhirt. Berlin 1958
  • The basic principles of morals in Soviet society . In: Transactions of the third World congress of sociology . v. 6. Amsterdam 1956
  • Contemporary philosophy and social revolution . In: Proc. 32th Indian philosophical congress . Srinagar 1957
  • Из истории этических учений . (From the history of ethics). Moscow 1959
  • De la question des valeurs morales In: Atti del XII Congresso Internationale di Filosofia, 12-18 Settembre, 1958 . v. 3. Firenze 1960
  • Основы марксистской этики . Moscow 1961
    • Basics of Marxist Ethics. For the German edition by the author. u. supplemented by Reinhold Miller . 2nd edition Dietz, Berlin 1965
  • О предмете этики как науки (On the subject of ethics as a science). In: Вопросы философии . 1964. №1
  • Об этике ученого (About the scientist's ethics). In: Вопросы философии . 1966. №2
  • XX век и моральные ценности человечества . (with KA Schwazman, The XXth Century and Moral Values ​​of Mankind). Moscow 1968
  • Марксистская концепция человека и современный натурализм в этике (Marxist Concepts of Man and Contemporary Naturalism in Ethics). In: Вопросы философии . 1977. №7
  • О нравственных ценностях в современном мире (On Moral Values ​​in the Modern World). In: Вопросы философии . 1977. №11
  • История и нравственность (history and morality). In: Вопросы философии . 1978. №4
  • Человеческая природа и нравственность. Историко-критический очерк . (Human nature and morality. Historical-critical essay). Moscow 1979



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  1. Today Санкт-Петербургский государственный институт культуры .
  2. Today Московский государственный областной университет .