Alexandra Gavilano

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Alexandra Gavilano (born April 29, 1989 ) is a Swiss environmental scientist and climate protection activist . She is a member of the Swiss movement Extinction Rebellion , the Swiss Climate Protection Association, Collaboratio Helvetica and co-founder of, the environmental platform UP and the environmental education organization RootsCamp, Music Declares Emergency Switzerland and Pyrolysis GmbH.


Gavilano's parents are Swiss or Peruvian. She grew up in Zurich. She completed a degree in sociology and environmental sciences from 2010 to 2014. From 2014 to 2019 Gavilano conducted research at the University of Bern at the IPW in the field of climate change adaptation in flood protection and then at the CDE on sustainable land management. Since 2020 she has been the project manager for agriculture and climate at Greenpeace Switzerland. Gavilano was active early on and has been shaping the Swiss environmental scene since 2010 by helping to set up various organizations. In 2015 she was an observer at the COP21 in Paris as part of her commitment to CliMates . Today she is active in various organizations and, since 2019, has also been part of Collaboratio Helvetica's first Swiss future laboratory on social societal transformation.


Gavilano has been committed to climate activism since she was a teenager. It is part of the public debate about the climate crisis in Switzerland. She says: “Be it in the farmers' fields or in the heights of our glaciers, climate change is clearly noticeable and the time to stop it is becoming increasingly scarce. The Glacier Initiative is an important step towards anchoring climate policy at the national level and joining the progressive countries that have said goodbye to fossil fuels ». She is part of the board of directors of the Swiss Climate Protection Association , president of the environmental platform UP, which she co-founded in 2016, the RootsCamp and a member of the management of Pyrolysis GmbH, which she co-founded.


  1. a b
  3. a b c
  4. ^ Catalyst Lab. Retrieved March 11, 2020 (American English).
  5. Retrieved March 11, 2020 .
  6. up.umweltplattform: Home. Retrieved on March 11, 2020 (Swiss Standard German).
  7. Roots Camp. Retrieved on March 11, 2020 (Swiss Standard German).
  8. Music Declares Emergency Switzerland. Retrieved on March 11, 2020 (German).
  9. ^ A b Pyrolysis GmbH - "With clean biowaste technology towards a sustainable future". Accessed on March 11, 2020 .