Alexius Neukomm

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Alexius Neukomm (born July 17, 1570 in Lindau ; † February 27, 1627 there ) was a German Lutheran clergyman.


At the age of 16, Alexius Neukomm attended the University of Tübingen , where he obtained his master's degree . His disputation De invocatione Sanctorum achieved such fame that a year later he became court chaplain to the Margrave of Baden . In 1599 he received a preaching position in Lindau. Alexius Neukomm's trademark were his constant quarrels that he had with colleagues and citizens.

"With God through where it is thickest."

- Alexius Neukomm's motto

On November 6, 1626 Neukomm received his dismissal notice because he opposed the reintroduction of private confession in Lindau. Nevertheless, he continued to preach, which was approved by the citizens of the city. There was tumult and the city council finally reinstated Neukomm.

The Roman-German Emperor Ferdinand II founded a commission to investigate this incident and had Lindau occupied by imperial troops.

Alexius Neukomm died on February 27, 1627 through the influence of his wife. She was married to the notary Johann Kees as punishment.


  • Hans Jordan: The Neukomm trade. In: Bodensee-Heimatschau from December 29, 1931.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Otto Mayr: The Swedish siege of the imperial city of Lindau in 1647. The Thirty Years War on Lake Constance and in Upper Swabia. Allitera Verlag 2016, pp. 60 ff; The emperor intervened in Lindau . In: Swabian . ( [accessed on March 12, 2018]).
  2. ^ Werner Dobras: Lindau personalities . In: Museumsverein Lindau (ed.): Neujahrsblatt 26 . 1981.