Alfonso IV (León)

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Alfons IV of León

Alfonso IV of León († 933 ), called the monk , was King of León .

He was a son of Ordoño II. He ascended the throne in 925 after the end of a civil war between his cousin, the son of Fruela II and the sons of Ordoño II. In this, he and his brothers were supported by Sancho I. Garcés of Navarre . Despite the victory, their rule over the kingdom remained divided. His brother, Sancho Ordóñez , ruled Galicia as king (926–929) and his other brother, Ramiro, ruled Portugal. After the death of his wife and Sanchos, he renounced the crown in favor of his brother Ramiro and retired to the monastery. He regretted this step and tried to regain power by force of arms, but was defeated by his brother. This caused Alfonso to be blinded and arrested in a monastery. His body was later transferred to the Basilica of San Isidoro and buried there.

See also

Web links

Commons : Alfonso IV of León  - collection of images, videos and audio files
predecessor Office successor
Alfonso Froilaz King of León
Ramiro II.